Many people, travelers, and locals alike agree that Mexican food is just delicious. But is Pico de Gallo fitting of a delicious name?
Pico de gallo means “rooster’s bill” or “rooster’s beak” when translated into Spanish. It is also referred to as “salsa bandera” meaning flag salsa, and “salsa fresca” which means fresh sauce.
What is its history and what does it pair well with? Read on to know all about it!
How Pico de Gallo Got its Name
Pico de Gallo is a Spanish term which in literal translation means “rooster’s bill” or “rooster’s beak”. Doesn’t sound so scrumptious, does it? Those who aren’t familiar might think it is the actual beak of the rooster cooked in a stew.
To this day, experts and historians still don’t have the answers as to why the dish is called such. But there are some theories.
One is that the term comes from the old way of eating the dish which is by using the thumb and the forefinger to pick up and eat it, sort of like when you use chopsticks. The two fingers form the profile of a rooster.
Another one is that it’s because it resembles chicken feed, while yet another one is because serrano peppers which are ingredients in the dish look like roosters according to the Sonoran people in Mexico.
The most interesting theory is perhaps when fighting roosters peck their handlers’ tongues. They do this to calm them before their fight.
Pico de gallo is also known as “salsa bandera”, which in literal translation means flag salsa. The moniker is a result of the dish representing the white, green, and red colors of Mexico’s flag.
Picco de gallo is basically a chunkier type of salsa. It’s salsa when it hasn’t come out of the food processor or blender. Its history dates back to the old Aztec cuisine, specifically from the Mexican regions of Sonora, Guanajuato, Yucatan Peninsula, and Oaxaca (source: Na’atik).
Some consider salsa as the predecessor of pico de gallo. Among the several theories, the dish was documented to seem to be hailing from Aztec culture, according to Spanish-born de Bernardino Sahagun.
Wherever pico de gallo comes from, we can only be thankful that it came about. It is exceedingly healthy. It mostly contains fresh vegetables, which in turn, have a chockful of nutrients.
Tomatoes and peppers are recognized for keeping colds away and reinforcing immunity. Both pico de gallo and salsa is excellent with Mexican dishes like nachos, tacos, or quesadillas.
Pico de gallo is great not just for Mexican but also for Hispanic dishes. It may be chunkier than the fresh salsa recipe, but it still has the same amazing boost of flavor (source: Twisted Taco).
What Pico de Gallo Means [Translated]
Pico de gallo is translated as “rooster’s bill” in Spanish or “rooster’s beak”. It’s also called “salsa bandera” and “salsa fresca” which means fresh sauce. This dish has minimal liquid and focuses on the combination of fresh ingredients and how they complement each other.
Whether it’s snacks, as a side, or added to the main dish, pico de gallo is excellent. While it tastes familiar, it still tastes, and will always taste delicious!
Pico de gallo may be overshadowed by salsa, but it is still just as good, if not better, especially for those who prefer a chunky texture over blended bits, much like their preference in peanut butter. We hope you found this article informative!